What we believe is possible,
defines what we are capable of achieving.
Believe Boldly.

Small Island, Big Swim

The 160km World Record Attempt

Neil is attempting a swim only 1 in 8 billion people are capable of mastering. To break his own World Record for the longest, unassisted, current-neutral open water swim - a gruelling 160km no sleeping, no stopping - around Malta, Comino & Gozo happening in September 2024.

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Empowering a community dedicated to cultivating the Ocean Mindset that builds physical and mental resilience to sculpt a life of limitless potential and a deep connection to the ocean.

Neil Agius

About Neil

As sunrise spills into sunset, he swims.Through jellyfish infested waters and deep dark depths. Each stroke whispers a story of resilience.

At 37, Neil Agius is the World Record holder, swimming 125.7km over 52 hours. No sleeping. No stopping. No wetsuit. No touching the boat. The rhythm of the water flows through his veins. It’s a gift that dares him to show up, each time pushing new boundaries.

His mission reminds us that the health of our oceans is innately linked to our own well-being. Alongside his swimming challenges, he founded Wave of Change NGO, to galvanise an international movement of people taking action to protect and improve our seas.

The highest wave to ride is conquering the endless thoughts that make or break your spirit. Going from breaking his first World Record to his first unfinished swim ever in 2023. Neil went on to design "The Ocean Mindset" , unique techniques developed during his own ultra distance training. These tools empower anyone, at any level, to elevate their physical and mental peak performance.

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